Prophetic Economy

Castelgandolfo (Rome): 2 - 4 november 2018



Prophetic Economy

Castelgandolfo (Rome): 2 - 4 november 2018

#ProfeticEconomy is much more than a three-day event, it is a journey undertaken by associations and movements that intend to give answers to the cry of the earth and the poor together. Our world is facing an ecological and social crisis. Climate change and increasing inequality are fuelled by unjust economic structures, short-term policies and outdated aid practices.

Many people around the world believe passionately in human development and sustainability, working tirelessly to change the rules and demand justice. It is time to unite and be more than the sum of our parts.

#ProfeticEconomy is going to be an experience and the beginning of a process: our intention is to stimulate inventiveness, confrontation and creativity in search of sustainable and collective solutions to the social and environmental problems of our time, with particular attention to the poorest.

Here is the chance, Prophetic Economy!

Prophetic Economy, the event for all those committed  to give solutions to social and environmental injustice, organized by EoC and other partners, attracts people with  vocation of all the ages.

Luis Calfa ridLuis, a 12 years-old Scout from Slovakia, explains why, according to him, this event is important , and invites everybody to candidate their good practices on the competition Prophetic Economy in Practice.

One day I was discussing with my mom about my thoughts on the current situation in the world.  That I’m concerned about the politics, wars and conflicts.    I was telling her that I'm very often thinking about humanity as a civilization evolved on small planet called Earth. We created our own politics and policies, a system for living. We need air for breathing, water and food for consuming. Trees are developing oxygen and thanks to them, we can breathe.

We’ve got here everything for our life. Air, water, forests, food from various sources and much more. Sometimes we don’t even realize how much we have. Sometimes we don’t appreciate these needs and we take them as a matter of course. We shouldn’t. And here is the reason why. We breathe the air and if we pollute it by the exhaust fumes, there will be in the air more enviromentally-unfriendly and harmful substances. And are we about to breathe it? What are the consequences of it? This is only one of many examples of how we have been destroying our planet. So about these alarming facts which were disturbing me I wanted to discuss with her. I had many questions regarding them how to solve that problems.

Since I am a Boy Scout, I belong to the local scout group “Bears”. As a group we have decided to get a World Conservation Badge - internationally recognized scout badge where we develop some practical skills and we get to know many interesting facts about how to protect the environment etc.

My mom was listening to me carefully and told me about very interesting international, intergenerational, multicultural, interdisciplinary, global Luis bottle ridaction which will take place in November 2-4, 2018 in Rome (Castel Gandolfo) in Italy. This “Prophetic Economy” is gathering lots of groups, movements, organisations (not only non-profits), artists, filmmakers which is promissing step to make the planet better place for life. I was absolutely enthusiastic. Immediately I went through the official webpage of the event - - and I studied the programme, speakers. The speakers are very interesting and famous persons as Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Prof. Stefano Zamagni, Carlo Petrini and Felix Finkbeiner. Dr. Vandana Shiva about which I watched the interview, support this event. I was exciting that there are still people who care the planet. “Mom, I want to participate it!” - I told her - “Can I contribute to the organisation of the event? Can I do anything for it?”

What I found very cool is the Prophetic Economy contest. Competition which will lead to exhibition of many experiences and ongoing or already implemented projects which will show us how many people and groups are doing excellent works on the Earth. All individuals and groups can submit their experiences and projects. I am a filmlover and amateur filmmaker and I love the idea about submitting the video of 2-3 minutes. All can do it. Even, the teens. No doubts. I'm already thinking about how to involve my Scout Group and participate it. All terms and conditions you find in the already mentioned website. The programme will be for all age categories, starting from eight year old children.

Its a big chance for all of us to do something exciting, good and prophetic! Let’s go for it together.

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