Prophetic Economy

Castelgandolfo (Rome): 2 - 4 november 2018



Prophetic Economy

Castelgandolfo (Rome): 2 - 4 november 2018

#ProfeticEconomy is much more than a three-day event, it is a journey undertaken by associations and movements that intend to give answers to the cry of the earth and the poor together. Our world is facing an ecological and social crisis. Climate change and increasing inequality are fuelled by unjust economic structures, short-term policies and outdated aid practices.

Many people around the world believe passionately in human development and sustainability, working tirelessly to change the rules and demand justice. It is time to unite and be more than the sum of our parts.

#ProfeticEconomy is going to be an experience and the beginning of a process: our intention is to stimulate inventiveness, confrontation and creativity in search of sustainable and collective solutions to the social and environmental problems of our time, with particular attention to the poorest.

A competition to promote "Prophetic Economies”

The "best practices" competition linked to the international event "Prophetic Economy", which will take place from 2 to 4 November 2018, is now under way. The jury will be composed of: Vandana Shiva, Jeff Sachs, Cristina Calvo and Stefano Zamagni.

Prophetic economies ridAs with the event Prophetic Economy, the purpose of the Prophetic practices award 2018 is to make visible and bring together existing experiences of "prophetic economy" from anywhere in the world, implemented by anyone: to find these "precious stones" in the world so that "they do not feel alone" and so that, by becoming part of a world-wide network, they can establish new connections and partnerships. Participation is open to people aged 9 to 99, to private and public organizations, both for profit and non-profit, private and public.

The feature uniting participants will be that they are the creators and protagonists of practices or projects guided by a "prophetic" vision of the future, which speaks of an "already" and a "not yet": insights, ideals, original interpretations of sustainable environmental and social solutions against poverty, the exploitation of resources and the hoarding logic of the economic world.

And we are not just talking about the point of view of those who engage in production: if we really want to change the Giuria 01 ridfuture, the economy, and with it society must be changed in all their aspects: consumption, production, savings, finances...

It is an honour for the various organizations behind this event to be able to count on the support of a prestigious jury composed of Vandana Shiva (India), Jeff Sachs (USA), Cristina Calvo (Argentina) and Stefano Zamagni (Italy), who accepted the invitation to join without hesitation.

Participating in the competition, in addition to an economic prize for the top three, allows you to invest in something more important: hope and cooperation. The winners will present their story to all the participants of the event: a "coach" specialized in storytelling will help them in the preparation and they will be reimbursed for the cost of participating in the event.

The next 10 listed participants will be able to present their projects in "short side events", thematic meetings divided by areas, where they will be able to be compared to other participants and receive feedback from experts in the field.

Finally, let us not forget that two important groups will be given a voice at the event: the poor and the new generations. The spirit that has promoted their participation is that they have the same dignity as those who happen to be working for them; their point of view can be precious for the change makers and can enrich their "prophetic vision".

Prophetic economies 02 ridThe conditions to participate in the competition can be found on the website and the deadline for submission of applications is 31 August 2018.

Even those who are not concrete actors in a "prophetic" organisation can contribute to the event by advertising the competition, spreading it in their network of contacts and inviting others they already know to participate in it, or supporting its organization financially through a donation (please find all relevant (please find all relevant info on the event site).

The application documents are also available on this site.



Language: ENGLISH

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