The Economy of Giving

By Chiara Lubich

From "Economy of Communion - a new culture" N.31 - May 2010

N31_Pag._04_Chiara_Lubich"Unlike the consumer economy 
based on a culture of having, 
the Economy of Communion 
is the economy of giving.  

This could seem difficult,
arduous, heroic.  
But it is not, because the human person, 
made in the image of God who is love, 
finds fulfillment 
precisely in loving, in giving.  

This need to love lies in the deepest core
of our being, whether we are believers 
or not.

And in this affirmation, 
supported by our experience, 
is where lies the hope of the universal spread
of the economy of communion."

Rocca di papa, November 10, 1991



Language: ENGLISH

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