Further information on cookies


Cookies are made up of portions of code installed within your browser which assist the performance of this website in order to achieve its end. Some cookie installations may require the consent of the user.

Technical cookies and data analysis

Technical cookies have the function of allowing activity strictly linked to the functioning of this online space. The use of technical cookies on this website fall into these categories:

  • Navigation cookies through which the user’s preferences of navigation are saved thereby optimising the navigation experience of the user
  • Cookie analytics through which it various statistical information is collected based on the user’s navigation. This information is dealt with in an aggregated and anonymous way.
  • Functionality cookies, also from third party sites, are used to activate a specific functionality within this online space in order to render a service or to improve it.

These cookies do not need the user’s consensus in order to be installed and utilised.

Other types of cookies and third-party tools which make use of them

Some of the these services might not require the consensus of the user, or could be managed directly by the service provider – as described hereunder – without the help of third-party services.

Should the following tools contain services managed by third-party services, these could – without this website’s knowledge – carry out tracking activities on the user. For more information in this regard, please read the privacy policy of the services listed hereunder.

Facebook Connect Facebook Inc. 1601 S. California Ave
Palo Alto – CA94304
Facebook Social Plugins Facebook Inc. 1601 S. California Ave
Palo Alto – CA94304
Google Analytics Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View – CA94043
Google+ Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View – CA94043
Gravatar Automattic, Inc. 132 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco – CA94107
LinkedIn Widgets LinkedIn Corporation 2029 Stierlin Court
Mountain View – CA94043
Pinterest Pinterest 572 7th Street
San Francisco – CA94107
Twitter Twitter, Inc. 795 Folsom St., Suite 600
San Francisco – CA94107
Vimeo   Vimeo, LLC
555 West 18th Street
New York, New York 10011

Use by minors

Users declare to be of adult age according to the legislation which applies to them. Minors can utilize this online space with parental consent and assistance.

How can I control the installation of cookies?

In addition to what has already been indicated in this document, the user can manage the options regarding cookies from within the browser itself and thus prevent third parties from installing them. Through the browser preferences it is also possible to eliminate past cookies. It’s important to note that by disabling all cookies, the functionality of this website may fail. You can find information on how to manage cookies within your browser at the following links:

In the case of services supplied by third-party providers, users are within their rights to oppose to the tracking of data by being informed through the privacy policy of that third-party, through the selection of the opt out link if it is made directly available or by contacting the third-party.

Notwithstanding the outcome, the user can always have recourse to Your Online Choices. Through this service it is possible to manage tracking preferences of the majority of advertising tools. Therefore, users are advised to utilise this resource in addition to the information provided in this document.

Site owner and controller of data

P.A.F.O.M, Via Frascati, 306, 00040 Rocca di Papa, Rome – Italy

Since the Data Owner cannot technically control the installation of cookies done by other tracking systems operated by third-parties through services utilised within this online space, each specific reference to cookies or tracking systems installed by third parties is to be considered only as an indication. To obtain whole information, users need to consult the privacy policy of the third-party services listed in this document.

The present document refers to all online spaces (websites, platforms, Internet tools etc) as the property of the Data Owner. In order to obtain further information regarding the tools within a specific area, the user is asked to contact the Data Owner at address supplied in this document.



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