The International Event “Prophetic Economy” promoted by the EoC and several associations and movements intending to respond to the cry of the world and the poor will take place in Castel Gandolfo, Rome from 2 to 4 November 2018.
by Maria Florencia Locascio
Father Joseph Wresinski, founder of ATD Quart Monde, felt the vocation to work so that the poorest of the poor would have dignity and a voice among those who make decisions; when he learned that somewhere in the world there was someone who worked for the poor, he got on an air plane and went to visit them, convinced as he was that: “those who work for the poor are in danger; they can lose their motivation and even their own life”: hence the fundamental importance of knowing each other and networking.
Told to Luigino Bruni by the Italian leader of the Quart Monde Movement Jean Tonglet, this story was the inspirational spark of the process in which we find ourselves now.
“Prophetic Economy” stems from the desire to approach those with whom we have a common goal,
in order to learn from each other, find new ways of collaboration, send a powerful message of hope especially to those who today are the victims of social and environmental injustice and to understand together how to act on the macro level.
We immediately realized that we couldn't start such a journey alone, but that we had to do it right away, together with other movements. That’s how the EoC working group was enriched by the presence of ATD Quart Monde, The Pope John XXIII Community (Associazione Papa Giovanni XXIII),, Nomadelfia, the Global Catholic Climate Movement, Slotmob, Mondo Comunità e Famiglia and Wordteens (Ragazzi per l’Unità) who today are our
partners. We are convinced that the value of Prophetic Economy is not only represented by the realisation of the event in itself, but also by the process of mutual opening up and enrichment which has already been started by all promoters.
Why “Prophetic” Economy? A great summary for this was provided by Federica Nalli from Nomadelfia: it’s prophetic because it is based on the vision of a future goal:
what kind of society do we want? Because it speaks to us partly of the "already", but above all of the "not yet": it values the existing concrete experiences, but mostly it poses a challenge to the institutions of the system, pointing out their shortcomings to the world. It makes us face what "is not as it should be".
The event - Prophetic Economy addresses people and organizations that - led by a vocation, whether religious or secular - work passionately to ensure integral human development and sustainability through the fight against poverty, the development of a civil and social economy and political actions.
It is not going to be a conference, but an experience and the beginning of a process: our intention is to stimulate inventiveness,
confrontation and creativity in search of sustainable and collective solutions to the social and environmental problems of our time, with particular attention to the poorest.
When reflecting on the future to be built we cannot exclude the thought, vision and work of younger and older generations. The young ones will be present, with a special programme for them, alternating with moments of intergenerational sharing.

In addition to bringing together those who make efforts in this area, this event also proposes a competition of best practices of "Prophetic Economy", giving visibility and recognition to many of the protagonists of change who transmit a positive energy at the service of the common good.
Simultaneously with the event there will be satellite actions of a different nature organised in several countries around the world: the most important
will be an international Bankmob for disinvestment in fossil fuels, armament and gambling.
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