Luigino Bruni - Libri

The Charismatic Principle in Social LifeLuigino Bruni, Barbara Sena (edd)

Routledge, London, November 2012
Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy
ISBN: 978-0-415-63822-7
See on Routledge

Max Weber laid the foundations for the meaning of ‘charisma’ in modern secular usage. This new volume argues for the importance of the ‘charismatic principle’ in history, economics and society.

This volume brings together a number of contributors at the cross section between economics, theology, sociology and politics in order to set a research agenda for the following issues:

The Economics of Values Based OrganizationsLuigino Bruni, Alessandra Smerilli

Series: Routledge Advances in Social Economics 
Routledge, London, July 2014 
ISBN: 978-0-415-72335-0
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This book looks at the governance of values-based organizations (VBOs), which are organizations with a mission and identity based on ideals. Examples of VBOs include non-profit organizations, charities, NGOs, environmental, educational or cultural organizations, and social enterprises. The main objective of any VBO is to evolve and grow without losing its identity, which its survival is linked to in the medium and long terms.

The Economics of Values Ideals and OrganizationsLuigino Bruni

Publisher: Routledge
London, March 2021
ISBN 9780367762612
Routledge Focus
Book Series: Economics and Humanities
Available on Taylor & Francis eBooks
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Values-based organizations are institutions, communities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) which are inspired by a mission or a vocation – for these groups it is their ideals which are most important to them and economics does not have a way to incorporate that into its analysis. This book provides a short introduction to the economics of values-based organizations.

Toward a Multi-Dimensional Economic Culture

The economy of communion

Luigino Bruni (ed.)

New City Press, 2002
ISBN Number: 978-1-56548-178-7
Buy on New City Press

Pope Benedict XVIs new encyclical letter, Caritas in Veritate, in paragraph 46 speaks of an economy of communion. As John Allen remarked in a July 7, 2009 interview with Mundell & Associates, an Indiana-based Economy of Communion business, The Economy of communion was cited by Benedict XVI as a promising form of intermediate activity between for-profit business and classic non-profit institutions, rupturing what the pope called an exclusively binary model of market-plus-state which is corrosive of society.

Ethical and Anthropological Foundations of Market Relations in the First Two Books of the Bible

The Economy of SalvationLuigino Bruni

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Basel, March 2019
Product code: 978-3-030-04081-9
Part of the Virtues and Economics book series (VIEC, volume 4)
buy on Springer - See Table of Contents

This book provides a systematic commentary on the first two books of the Bible: Genesis and Exodus. Drawing on these two essential books, it subsequently offers new readings of several issues relevant for today’s economic and social life.

The Genesis and Ethos of the marketLuigino Bruni

Palgrave Macmillan, September 2012
ISBN: 0230348459
ISBN-13: 9780230348455
See on Palgrave Macmillan

In this book Luigino Bruni analyses the market and its ethos, illuminating the history of capitalism and highlighting the need for a new ethical direction. In the last two centuries, the present vision of the market economy that can be called capitalism has produced remarkable economic, technological and civic results; but today, in these times of crisis, it has become obsolete, because it is about to exhaust its innovative and civilising force.

Economics, Relationships, and Happiness

The wound and the blessingLuigino Bruni

New City Press, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-56548-428-3
See on New City Press

The crisis that market societies are undergoing is essentially a crisis of relationships. It originates in the illusion that the market, through the actions of an “invisible hand” operating in impersonal market relationships, can present us a good common life exempt from the possibility of being wounded by the other.

Qoèlet, il libro delle nude domande

Una casa senza idoli 450Luigino Bruni

Collana P6 - Lapislazzuli
Bologna, settembre 2017
EAN: 9788810559079
acquista su Dehoniane

Nei momenti di passaggio individuali e collettivi ci sono libri particolarmente preziosi che aiutano a comprendere in profondità la natura delle crisi, danno parole alle emozioni e illuminano zone buie. Qoèlet, vetta altissima della tradizione sapienziale biblica, è uno di questi, e si configura come una profonda ed efficace cura delle due principali malattie di tutte le fedi, religiose e laiche: l’ideologia e la ricerca di facili consolazioni attraverso risposte banali a domande difficili e tremende del vivere.

Palabras para una economía humana

virtudes vicios mercadoLuigino Bruni

Editorial Ciudad Nueva,
Madrid, mayo 2018
Colección “Desafíos” / Cultura y sociedad
Cómpralo en Ciudad Nueva

Vivimos en un mundo caracterizado por la exaltación de las pasiones individuales. La cultura de las grandes empresas, con su lenguaje, sus categorías, sus valores y virtudes, ha sabido encauzar como nadie los valores del individuo y ha creado toda una «gramática» con la que describir historias «de éxito».



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