Promoted by the Economy of Communion, the Perugia side-event is organised for all those who cannot participate directly in "The Economy of Francesco" but would still like to be part of the process...
Travel log and meetings on the side lines of the 1st National Congress of Entrepreneurs of the Economy of Communion held in Kinshasa from January 16 to 18
By Benedetto Gui
The very wide road that...
EoF: Stories - Andrea Stringhetti is a young PhD student who studies the effect of crisis on the increase in inequalities and poverty.
by Maria Gaglione
published in Avvenire on 16/11/2019
“The Economy of Francesco” from 26 to 28 March in Assisi economists and entrepreneurs” from all over the world
Source: Press office of "The Economy of Francesco"
ASSISI (PERUGIA) - Assisi is...
Theme: Financial management: for you and for your business
Economy of Communion - Forum 2019
21st Sept 2019, 9:30am - 4:30pmMariapolis PieroExit 14 of Thika Super Highway
There will be a chance...
To heal the employment crisis we need a new economy, and to build one we need to give young people space and a voice. More than anyone, they understand what’s new and how to carry it out. This is...
Present among others: Yunus, Frey, Meloto, Petrini, Raworth, Sachs, Sen, Shiva e Zamagni
Press Office "The Economy of Francesco"
ASSISI (PERUGIA) - Registration is underway for the three days...
EoC’s Elizabeth Garlow receives Honorary PhD from the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology
by Nick Sanna
published on on June 20, 2019
We are very happy to share that the...
Prophetic arts & economy
The companies of the BOX, the innovative commercial project in Augsburg Kriegshaber, invite to an interactive and intercultural art project with children and young...
During the 43rd South Cone Summit, a traditional fall date for the EoC in Argentina and surrounding areas, “communion was made” by delving into how Chiara Lubich inspired the Edc Focolari...