Handbook On The Economics Of Reciprocity And Social Enterprise

Handbook on the Economy of Reciprocity and Social EnterpriseLuigino Bruni, Stefano Zamagni (edd)

Edward Elgar Publishing, June 2013
Series: Elgar original reference
See on Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 9781782545125
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The recent era of economic turbulence has generated a growing enthusiasm for an increase in new and original economic insights based around the concepts of reciprocity and social enterprise. This stimulating and thought-provoking Handbook not only encourages and supports this growth, but also emphasises and expands upon new topics and issues within the economics discourse.


Contributors: R. Abramovay, H. Alford, A. Andreoni, A. Argandoña, A. Barrera, L. Becchetti, N. Bellanca, E. Bortoluzzi Dubach, C. Borzaga, L. Bouckaert, S. Bowles, A. Brandolini, L. Bruni, A. Caillé, J.B. Davis, J. Defourny, L. Faulk, B.S. Frey, H. Gintis, L. Gold, B. Gui, A. Habisch, S.P. Hargreaves Heap, D.C. Jones, P. Kalmi, E.L. Khalil, S.-C. Kolm, C.R. Loza Adaui, J. McGinnis, J. Mercier Ythier, S. Neckermann, V. Negri Zamagni, A. Offer, A. Pabst, R.G. Pearce, V. Pelligra, P.L. Porta, P.L. Sacco, L. Sacconi, A. Smerilli, A.J. Uelmen, P. Vanin, B.M. Wilson, D.R. Young, S. Zamagni, L. Zarri, D.J. Zizzo
Further information

The recent era of economic turbulence has generated a growing enthusiasm for an increase in new and original economic insights based around the concepts of reciprocity and social enterprise. This stimulating and thought-provoking Handbook not only encourages and supports this growth, but also emphasises and expands upon new topics and issues within the economics discourse.

Original contributions from key international experts acknowledge and illustrate that markets and firms can be civilizing forces when and if they are understood as expressions of cooperation and civil virtues. They provide an illuminating discourse on a wide range of topics including reciprocity, gifts and the civil economy, which are especially relevant in times of crisis for financial capitalism. The Handbook questions the current phase of the market economy that arises from a state of anthropological pessimism. Such anthropological cynicism is one of the foundations of the contemporary economic system that is challenged by the contributors.

This highly original and interdisciplinary Handbook will provide a fascinating read for academics, researchers and students across a wide range of fields including economics, public sector economics, public policy and social policy.

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