
Ethos of the Market

L_ethos_del_mercato_BruniLuigino Bruni
Ethos of the Market
An introduction to the anthropologial and relational fundamentals of the economy

Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2010

In the last two centuries, capitalism has reached extraordinary economic, technological and civil results, playing an important role in transforming society. Howver, it has lost on the playing ground of fraternity. That is why, today, capitalism has become obsolete. The crisis at the beginning of the third millenium (from terrorism to the environment, from finance to energy) shows with extraordinary strength that the market economy is using up every force of social and incivilizing change, because we´re paying the consequences in the area of individual freedom with the coins of environment and social relationships.

This book investigates the nature of the market, relating it to a concept which may appear very distant: that of the community. And it proposes a link between market and ethics, for a new market ethics that extends beyond the economic sphere, becoming an ethos of common living in post-modern society.

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