
The Economy of Francesco

A glossary to repair the language of economics

The Economy of Francesco A Glossary 500 newStefano Rozzoni and Plinio Limata edd.
translation Simona Mureddu

UCP Press
Lisbon, February 2024
ISBN 9789725410073
buy on UCP Press

This volume proposes a revisit of some key words of economic discourse, through the ethical perspective developed in the context of Francis' Economy. The reflections of young researchers, participating in the international movement of the EoF, invites readers to confront the conceptual instruments that are at the basis of a dominant economic thought, rethinking them ethically, in an inclusive and pluralistic way, inspired by the mystical exhortation received by Francis of Assisi: "Go, repair my house".

Table of Contents:

Acknowledgements - Introduction (by Stefano Zamagni) - Preface (by Stefano Rozzoni and Plinio Limata)
1. Agápe (by Tommaso Bertolasi), 2. Capitalisms (by Renato Raffaele Amoroso), 3. Care (by Valentina Blandi), 4. Commons (by Agustina Brizuela), 5. Community (by Sofia Croso Mazzuco), 6. Entrepreneurship (by Gloria Imumpaye), 7. Environment (by Stefano Ciliberti), 8. Finance (by Andrea Calef and Andrea Roncella), 9. Fraternity (by Federica Nalli), 10. Happiness (by Julia Wdowin), 11. Inclusivity (by Dian Maya Safitri), 12. Inequality (by Cristina Pereira Vieceli), 13. Innovation (by Pirri Salvatore), 14. Integral Ecology (by Ignacio Oliva), 15. Justice (by Serena Ionta), 16. Mutuality (by Ingrid Omerzo), 17. Person (by Stefano Rozzoni), 18. Poverty (by Cristian Jesús Varela), 19. Profit (by Claudio Barbieri), 20. Property (by Paolo Santori), 21. Reciprocity (by Valentina Erasmo), 22. Relationship (by Maria Jordet), 23. Responsibility (by Giorgia Nigri), 24. Resource (by Mariana Reis Maria), 25. Sustainability (by Juan M. Gil-Barragan), 26. Technology (by Rodimiro Rodrigo), 27. Trust (by Jena Espelita), 28. Value (by Andrei Thomaz Oss-Emer), 29. Vocation (by Valentina Rotondi), 30. Waste (by Domenico Rossignoli), 31. Wealth (by Giulia Gioeli), 32. Well-being (by Dalila De Rosa), 33. Work (by Tracey Freiberg)



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