The Economy of Francesco

i giovani, un patto, il futuro

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i giovani, un patto, il futuro


22-24 Settembre 2022, - Assisi

22-24 Settembre 2022, Assisi

"The Economy of Francesco"

i giovani, un patto, il futuro

Breaking news:

pubblicata oggi la lettera con cui Papa Francesco convoca giovani economisti, imprenditori e imprenditrici ad Assisi per proporgli un patto per una nuova economia. Economia di Comunione partecipa al Comitato organizzatore dell'evento insieme alla Diocesi ed al Comune di Assisi ed all'Istituto Serafico.

#EoF - 22/07/2020 On-life seminar with Robert Bilott and John Mundell

Robert Bilott and John Mundell presenting: “Dark Waters: business and environmental responsibility”

Wednesday. July 22, 2020, 04:00 P.M. - 05:15 P.M. (UTC+2) 

One of the grand challenges of our society is related to environmental issues caused by corporations. One of the biggest scandals in the US has been referred to the chemical manufacturing corporation DuPont that damaged the environment and life of animals and people with unregulated chemicals in West Virginia in 1999. To fight this, Mr. Robert Bilott (a famous corporate defense lawyer at Taft Stettinius & Hollister) started a large collective-action lawsuit for preserving the health of people which is actually a common good. This interesting story also inspired an important recent movie called “Dark Waters” starred by Mark Ruffalo and Anne Hathaway on the experience of Bilott against DuPont. 

This on-life webinar aims to present the interesting story of Robert Bilott and discuss the role of businesses toward a sustainable environment who is for everyone, and not against the common good of people. In this way, corporations have a great responsibility and some of them are navigating these dark waters by having a transition to environmental sustainability.

We are honored to discuss this important topic with Mr. Robert Bilott and Mr. John Mundell (President at Mundell Associates) who is involved in environmental consulting, and with some youths from Economy of Francesco.

Join the seminar by going to the official channel of The Economy of Francesco. 

Download the image flyer (624 KB) .


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