New Financial Horizons

The emergence of an economy of communion

Edc new financial horizonsLorna Gold

New City Press, 2010
ISBN: 978-1-56548-354-5
Buy on New City Press

Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Economy of Communion, Gold examines the origins and substance of a promising alternative to the current globalized economy.The Economy of Communion, which started within the Focolare Movement in 1991, involves a worldwide network of solidarity among some 800 firms that together constitute a vibrant business community based upon the values of sharing, caring and justice.

Drawing on the experiences of an international sample of business and community leaders, particularly from the U.S. and Brazil, Lorna Gold explains the historical and philosophical origins of this fascinating yet little known global community.“The Economy of Communion was cited by Benedict XVI [in Caritas in Veritate] as a promising form of intermediate activity between for-profit business and classic non-profit institutions,” wrote journalist John L. Allen Jr.

Lorna Gold currently works as Policy and Advocacy Manager with the Irish Catholic Agency for International Development, Trócaire. She writes extensively on global economic and social development, with a particular focus on the contribution of Christian social thought in addressing the challenges of ethical globalization.


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